
The Social Concerns Committee was formed in 1977 as a subcommittee of the Phoenixville Council of Churches.  The name Phoenixville Area Social Concerns Committee was adopted in 2012.

Our Mission: “The Phoenixville Area Social Concerns Committee promotes social justice and community harmony throughout the Greater Phoenixville community in the spirit of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., through direct action and relevant events.”

Our Membership:

Member Affiliation Email
Barbara Armour Bethel Baptist Church bcljma626@yahoo.com
Dr. Louis J. Beccaria At Large BBguy1945@outlook.com
Joyce Chester Chester County Opportunities Industrialization Center jchester@cc-oic.org
Don Coppedge, Founder Grimes African Methodist Episcopal Church
Jessica Capistrant / Janice O’Brien Phoenixville Regional Chamber of Commerce jcapistrant@phoenixvillechamber.org
Dr. Alan D. Fegley Phoenixville Area School District fegleya@pasd.k12.pa.us
Peg Groening St. John’s Lutheran Church groening peg@verizon.net
Nina Guzman Alianzas de Phoenixville ninaguzman300@gmail.com
Gwynne Hagee, Corresp. Sec’y Diversity In Action gwynnehagee@verizon.net
Fern Heit Valley Forge United Methodist Church FernH729@aol.com
Kris Keller, Financial Sec’y Orion Communities kriskeller99@gmail.com
Wendy Kelly Grimes African Methodist Episcopal Church wkelly02124@yahoo.com
Tamala Luce Phoenixville Community Health Foundation tluce@pchf1.org
Rev. Jack Mason Valley Forge Christian College jmasonag@aol.com
Joann McCracken Phoenixville Area Senior Center JoAnn@phoenixvilleseniorcenter.org
Abigail C. Milbourne First Latin Church of Crist t.a.milbourne@hotmail.com
Gary Russell St. Peter’s Episcopal Church grussell-21@hotmail.com
Karen Spector, RN Phoenixville Hospital karen.spector@towerhealth.org
Theresa Thornton Bethel Baptist Church MissKittysCare@gmail.com
Peter Urscheler Mayor, Borough of Phoenixville purscheler@phoenixville.org
Deidre Wood Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA dwood@philaymca.org
Rev. Mark Young, Chair First United Methodist Church myoung@fumcphoenixville.org

Community members may contact any Social Concerns Committee member to bring forward issues, observations or questions.  Or, send us an email at info@phxsocialconcerns.org.


The Social Concerns Committee meets regularly each month (except July & August) at the Phoenixville Community Health Foundation on the first Thursday beginning at 3:00pm.  Regular meeting dates are subject to change.

Save the Date!

31st Community Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, April 5, 2025

Commemorating the 53rd anniversary of the death of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.