Phoenixville Area Social Concerns Committee

Here you can learn about the history of the SCC, our mission to promote community and racial harmony throughout the Greater Phoenixville community in the spirit of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., our work and our upcoming events.

Phoenixville Area Social Concerns Committee invites you to a: 

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Leadership Gathering

January 22, 2025

   5:30 – 7:00 pm


Since its organization thirty years ago, the Phoenixville Area Social Concerns Committee has fostered the spirit of unity and justice exemplified in the life of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Much of our focus has been on lifting up the good we see in our community at large and encouraging understanding among people of different backgrounds so that human dignity is recognized in concrete ways.

We have learned that there is no substitute for direct contact among people, especially among community leaders, if that is to happen.  We have learned that shared vision is formed and sustained by honest and open conversation built on trust and friendship, on relationships that have to be tended and grown.

The past several years have seen life changes for many leaders whose connections has served the community well; it is now a time when others are stepping forward.  We feel that one thing the Social Concerns Committee can offer is to serve as a catalyst for the formation of relationships that move their shared work forward in years to come.

We invite you, as a valued part of our beloved community, to be our guest for dinner and conversation at an MLK Leadership Gathering on Wednesday, January 22, during the week of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.  There we will honor people serving in non-profit or civic organizations and give everyone a chance to meet one another.  Our hope is to strengthen communications among local groups and leaders.  Even more, we want to help community members familiarize themselves with one another so that informal networks are also strengthened for the good of all.

A spaghetti supper will be held at First United Methodist Church (865 Main St.) from 5:30 to 7:00.  If you would attend, we would be happy to see you there.  Please feel free to bring an additional member of your team.  You can RSVP by January 7 using the QR code below.  There will be a side table where each group is invited to place information.  The main goal is to meet and celebrate one another and have an opportunity to share both concerns and hopes as well as meeting others who share commitment to our community.

Meanwhile, thank you for what you do, and keep up the good work.

30th Community Prayer Breakfast

The 30th Community, held on April 6, 2024,  MLK Prayer Breakfast was an amazine event, epitomizing our commitment to social justice and unity in the Greater Phoenixville community, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We celebrated the winners of the Phoenixville School District Student Expression Contest, including Melody Wang SES, Anya Kramer, and Madeline Kerry. Additionally, we were privileged to hear an inspirational keynote speech from Dr. Andrew Dinniman.

During the event, we honored Dr. Dinniman with The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award, recognizing his exceptional dedication to community upliftment. Latasha Jones was awarded the Emma Valenteen Award for “Compassion,” and we posthumously recognized Charles Henry with the Ruby Armour “Love Thy Neighbor” Award. These individuals exemplify the spirit of community and deserve our heartfelt recognition.

Our prayer this day and every day

God of love and justice, St. Paul proclaimed that “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” As we celebrate your faithful disciple, Martin Luther King, Jr., may we be emboldened by your living Word and by his prophetic witness to rid the world of the sin of discrimination in our attitudes and actions.

Help us to seek the unity that Paul and Martin saw so clearly so that all forms of injustice will cease.

Grant us the courage and determination to be prophets of peace.

May we welcome one another as brothers and sisters, rooted in your everlasting love. Amen.